Colori neutri, tenui e pastello, tessuti morbidi, dai tagli semplici, ma curati.
La collezione di Paola Frani è elegante e sinuosa, composta da tailleur con pantaloni a vita alta e camicette arricchite da trasparenze e piume; molti gli abiti nei toni del lilla e del rosa, impreziositi da inserzioni e pietre sul decollete. I cappottini e le cappe riprendono sia i toni che le forme lineari degli abiti.
Molti i riferimenti al piumaggio degli uccelli, sia per le stampe, che per l'uso, appunto, delle piume su abiti e come decorazioni sulla testa delle modelle.
Neutral and pastel colors, soft fabrics, with simple cuts.
Paola Frani's collection is elegant and sinuous, made suit with high-waisted trousers and blouses embellished with feathers and transparencies; many many clothes are in shades of lilac and pink, embellished with stones and listings on the decollete. Coats and capes incorporate the tones and the linear forms of clothing.
Many references to the plumage of birds in print and in the use of feathers on clothes and as decorations on the head of the models.
Paola Frani's collection is elegant and sinuous, made suit with high-waisted trousers and blouses embellished with feathers and transparencies; many many clothes are in shades of lilac and pink, embellished with stones and listings on the decollete. Coats and capes incorporate the tones and the linear forms of clothing.
Many references to the plumage of birds in print and in the use of feathers on clothes and as decorations on the head of the models.
molto belli gli abiti e i talleur della Frani...